Asturias - Basic Membership


Asturias (Leyenda) by the Spanish composer Isaac Albeniz in 1892 has become an iconic guitar piece synonymous with Spain and it contains many of the idiomatic flavours of flamenco. Ironically it was written for piano yet it is the guitar transcriptions that has bought the piece to international attention. The piece has firmly entrenched itself in the classical guitar repertoire and is considered to be one of the standard concert pieces that all guitarists will learn and play at some point in their career.


  • Stay relaxed especially in the opening stanzas with the picking hand
  • Use P I M and P I A right-hand picking for various sections in the opening stanza
  • Try to utilise 'full planting' in the right for the rapid triplet lines in the A section
  • Make maximum use of dynamics and remember that sforzando is common in this piece and essential to bringing the vibrancy to life
  • Don't take too many liberties with the timing in the A section. Bulería is a dance and as such rubato is frowned upon
  • The B and Capo sections can be played more freely and loosely with respect to rhythm. 

Let your fingers fly!