Malaguena Fácil - Premium Membership
Francisco Tárrega was a true hero of the guitar with a prolific compositional output rivalled by few guitarists even today. In addition to being a wonderful composer he was also a brilliant virtuoso responsible for almost single-handedly developing modern classical guitar technique and establishing a solid repertoire.
Malagueña Fácil is the piece represented in these tutorials. Although the right-hand fingerings are absent in the score I have taken the liberty of suggesting that the player use a 'flamenco' approach for the thumb.
This piece presents the guitarist with a wonderful opportunity to develop or use the apoyando technique with the thumb whereby the thumb comes to rest on the string below. This is a common technique used by flamenco guitarists as a way to cut through the sound of singing and dancing in a live situation. A classical guitarists is well-served by developing and using this technique when required.
Let your fingers fly!