Etude 'Allegro' - Premium Membership
This 'Allegro' etude by Guiliani aids the budding guitarist to focus on several techniques. The aim should be to move towards a tempo of around 110 to 140 BPM. An etude is usually designed or composed to assist a player to overcome a particular technical challenge and this etude is no different in that respect. The purpose of this etude is to develop articulation, speed & accuracy in the right hand with particular attention being paid to arpeggio type patterns.
1. Keep your right hand steady
2. Restrict movement to the large joints of the hand (not too much bouncing)
3. Let your fingertips flow across the strings like a paint brush
4. Don't grab at the strings
5. Try to keep your wrist straight without too much bending
6. Relax
The right-hand fingers used are:
P: Thumb (Pulgar)
i: Index
m: Middle
a: Anular (ring)
Let your fingers fly!