NBN Guitar

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Vals Venezolano No. 3 - Antonio Lauro Online Guitar Lesson

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Hailing from Venezuela Antonio Lauro left his mark on the classical guitar scene with his memorable set of 4 Venezuelan Waltzes the most notable of which is represented here. This piece also has the somewhat affectionate name 'Natalia'. Lauro was born into a musical family in 1917 and was initially taught by his father who was a singer & guitar player. After his father passed away Lauro continued on with a formal education and eventually his pieces were taken abroad by students of his former teacher Raúl Borges including the legendary guitarist Alirio Diaz. 

Lauro himself also concertised throughout his neighbouring countries and was always exposing Venezuelan cultural music to others. 

Special thanks to Djamel Laroussi for pointing out that in bar 24 the bass note is actually B natural and NOT Bb! Sorry about that folks :D